they are many investment ways to make money online investment. you can gain money buy buying stocks which represents a good way however it has some risks depending on how the compagny is doing. If its doing well you will gain maney otherwise you will use. In order to take party of this you have both to study the market and also the company siruation in order to make the best decision and make the most benefit possible. Another option is to buy gold and silver. since their value increas all the time it is very good to do so and by that you can gain considerably however it has greater risk than shares has and it requires a large starting investement. The tird option is related to work in the goods sector and purchasing lands houses and buildings and selling them laterone with a large turnover, however in this sector there is a problem of regulations and taxes depeding on the country where you are and also the crises like what happened in 2008. As a sumary we can say that they are many ways to make money but it all depends on you and on the sector you master because its always better to do thinks you know and you have a good muster of it. Budapest, Hungary 29397
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